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第 6 章(1 / 2)


“呵呵……迈克洛夫特你再说一遍你刚才说的。”(Hehe... Michael, please repeat what you just said.)

“夏洛克你想……”(Shylock, do you want to)



“你的意思是让那边那位小姐和我合租?”(Do you mean to have the lady over there share the apartment with me?)夏洛克边说边看向坐在不远处的玛格丽特

迈克浅笑点头“有多余的屋子,有何不可?”(There is an extra room, why not?)

夏洛克站起走到迈克面前压低声音“这不一样哥哥!除了母亲我从未与任何女士同住,我不知道怎样才能与年轻小姐相处,你不能把这个“炸弹”丢给我哥哥!”(This is different, brother! I have never lived with any lady except my mother, and I don''t know how to get along with young ladies. You can''t throw this "bomb" to my brother!)

迈克浅笑“你怎会不知道,你很聪明,或许你也可以像和艾琳艾德勒那样,不过玛格丽特是你的家人”(How could you not know that you are very smart? Maybe you can be like Eileen Adler, but Margaret is your family)

迈克说完后转身“就这么定了,哈德森太太麻烦您照顾一下”(That''s settled, Mrs. Hudson. Could you please take care of me)

走到玛格丽特旁边时迈克稍停顿弯腰对旁边的玛格丽特说“你会喜欢的,如遇到麻烦来这个地址上写的位置找我”(You will like it. If you encounter any trouble, come find me at the location written on this address)

迈克微笑又似想到什么加了句“我希望你会喜欢这里,下次见(我亲爱的玛格丽特)小姐”(I hope you will like this place. See Miss (my dear Margaret) next time)

等楼下传来关门的声音后,华生医生率先出声“虽然我已经做过自我介绍但显然不够正式,所以我决定在这里再对玛格丽特小姐做一次自我介绍,约翰.华生,服过役现在职业为医生”(Although I have already introduced myself, it is obviously not formal enough, so I have decided to introduce myself to Miss Margaret again here. John Watson, who has served in the military and is currently a doctor)

“报纸上有提过华生医生,玛格丽特.德拉塞尔”(The newspaper mentioned Dr. Watson, Margaret Drexel)

“那很荣幸。这位是哈德森太太”(That''s an honor. This is Mrs. Hudson)

“很高兴您来到这里玛格丽特小姐”(I''m glad you''re here, Miss Margaret)

“如果你在报纸上看见过我想必也一定看见过夏洛克那我就不过多介绍了”华生医生边说边看向坐在那里的夏洛克(If you have seen me in the newspaper, I believe you must have also seen Sherlock, so I won''t go into too much detail)

看向夏洛克的华生医生若有所思后加了一句“他跟你在报纸上看到的有点不一样你可能需要适应一下”(He''s a bit different from what you saw in the newspaper, and you may

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